Do you happen to be an entrepreneur or a professional or a self-employed individual or a mixed-income earner who manually file your returns and/or pay your taxes at the BIR’s Accredited Agent Banks or BIR Revenue District Office? Well, here’s the good news, there will be a FREE Webinar on Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) exclusively for you scheduled on November 1, 2013 9:00 am to 10:00 am to be conducted by
The goal of this orientation is to help non-eFPS entrepreneurs, professionals, self-employed individuals and mixed-income earners like you who wish to file their returns and/or pay their taxes anytime anywhere, thereby save on administrative costs in tax filing. Tax agents are also welcome to attend.
In this event, attendees will learn the following:
a) System Overview
b) Features and Highlights
c) Tax Filing and Payment Process
d) Bank Process and Requirements
e) Others
This seminar usually costs PhP1,500 per person, usually conducted by private practitioners. However, as an advocacy, will conduct it for free.
To register, please visit
If interested to see the deck, click here. You may also read the note, click here.
Please feel free to invite colleagues and friends to the FREE webinar using the link above.
Note: This webinar is a project of Elizabeth Costales for the Module 2 of Certified Blog and Social Media Entrepreneur Program. For more information, please visit
(updated link 8/8)
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