You may have missed the eFPS Coaching Session (an offshoot of the free webinar on electronic Filing and Payment System for entrepreneurs, self-employed individuals, professionals and mixed income earners). This was conducted last November 13 at the BancNet Training Room, Equitable Bank Tower Makati in coordination with BancNetLand Bank of the Philippines and DigitalFilipino e-Commerce Boot Camp.

Perhaps if the weather was favorable that day you may have been there, haven’t you? ^__^. Despite the weather though, the event went as scheduled with the attendees participating actively in between topics.

After the session, there were 6 raffle winners of p(inverted p)op Power Bank. All participants received corporate giveaways as tokens of appreciation.

For those who have attended, should you have photos and materials that you would like to add or share, please send a message at elizabeth [@] itPhilippines [dot] net or @itphils on Twitter.


Copy of the programme:


Presentation Materials

After the approval process, here’s the Presentation Materials:

1) eFPS Coaching Session For Entrepreneurs, Self-Employed Individuals, Professionals and Mixed-Income Earners:

2) e-Payment by BancNet:


Group photo:

You may access more photos here.

Our Appreciation

To everyone who came to the event.

To Ms Janette Toral of DigitalFilipino, and to Mr Rene Natividad and Ms Jenny Carino of BancNet, to Ms Elenita Manucom of Land Bank of the Philippines, BIG thanks!

Up next

eFPS in details for the benefits of those who were not able to come, so if you are interested, stay tuned!

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