If this is your first time to use eFPS, then, you’re now ready to efile a tax return or BIR Form.  It is presumed that your account has been activated by your RDO.  This post discuss about how to efile a tax return or file a BIR Form online which is one of most essential part of the eFPS.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to avail and Enroll in eFPS

How to eFile a Tax Return
How to eFile a Tax Return

How to eFile a Tax Return

First, you need to access eFPS thru the BIR web site (www.bir.gov.ph). Under eServices, click on the eFPS icon. You will be redirected to the Login page.

Logging In and Selecting a Tax Return

Tax return filing requires you to enter your login credentials. A successful login will display the User Menu page. Select which BIR Form you intent to file by clicking on the drop-down list of forms. Although the eFPS has currently 30 BIR forms (or “tax returns”) in its roster, you can only view the forms under which you are registered.

The tax returns or BIR Forms available for online filing are:

  • payment form (0605)
  • income tax returns (1700, 1701, 1701Q, 1702RT/MX/RT, 1702Q, 1704)
  • excise tax returns (2200A, 2200P, 2200T, 2200N, 2200M)
  • value added tax returns (2550M, 2550Q)
  • percentage tax returns (2551, 2551M, 2552, 2553)
  • withholding tax returns (1600, 1600WP, 1602, 1603, 1601C, 1601E, 1601F, 1604E, 1604CF)
  • documentary stamps tax return (2000)

Most likely, the BIR Forms which you have access to are the Payment Form (0605), the Income Tax Returns (1700 series), the withholding tax remittance returns (1600 series), and the business tax returns (2550 series or 2551 series). For a complete list of BIR Forms and their descriptions, you may visit this link, http://www.bir.gov.ph/index.php/bir-forms.html

Filling up a Tax Return

It is necessary to supply the return period; that is the month and the year for monthly returns, the quarter and the year for quarterly returns and the taxable year for annual returns. Filling up the form is a breeze. Your registration information (name, address, contact number, etc.) are already displayed so you don’t need to input them anymore. The grayed out areas are already filled up or automatically computed unlike in the manual forms where you have to write or type all the information. The only data that you need to enter are those pertaining to the tax computation such as how much you earned, how much you withheld from a particular source, the specific Alphanumeric Tax Code (for some forms),  or if you have tax credits.

Each BIR Form has 4 function buttons. You need to  VALIDATE the entries before submission. If after validation there are fields that need to be modified, then click on the EDIT button. The PRINT button allows you to print the form. If there are no errors after validation, the form may now be submitted by clicking on the SUBMIT button. The Filing Reference Number (FRN) will then be displayed. This number is equivalent to stamping the returns as received by the BIR in the manual filing process.

If the tax due is zero then, you may either continue to efile another BIR Form or click the Logout tab. Otherwise, click the PROCEED TO PAYMENT button to epay online. To learn more, read this post: How To ePay Tax.

Online Help

If you need some help during the process, check out the Help link, the Guidelines and Instructions link, the  FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) tab and the Job Aids tab whichever is applicable.

If you want to know about the legal bases or the regulations, issuances, circulars and memorandum orders of the BIR about eFPS, click on Revenue Issuances tab.

RELATED vDECK:  How to eFile a Tax Return

Now that you have efiled your tax return, you might want to inquire your efiled tax return.  To learn more, read this post: How To Inquire an eFiled Tax Return.

If you have tax payable then, you might want to pay tax online. To learn more, read this post: How To ePay Tax.

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eFPS 101: How To eFile a Tax Return
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