The previous articles on eFPS discussed the key processes of enrollment as well as filing of tax return online. This time, you will learn how to epay tax dues or pay your tax online. If you are a first time user then, read on.

How to ePay Tax
How to ePay Tax

It is important to know which of the current banks, both private and government owned, are accredited by BIR to receive tax payments thru the eFPS and the applicable modes of payment available. To check the list of eFPS Accredited Agent Bank, read this post: List of BIR Accredited Agent Banks Accepting Online Payment.

Filing your tax form is one thing, paying the amount of tax due is another.

Before proceeding to pay online, it is presumed that you have enrolled and availed of the online payment facilities of your chosen accredited agent bank (AAB) in order to perform e-payment in eFPS.

The participating banks will perform validation and process the taxpayer’s/client’s account enrollment. Taxpayers enrolled with the bank will be given their corresponding login credentials for the banks’ ePayment System. This may depend, however, on the standard policy of the participating bank. The account and taxpayer profile will be used when you proceed to pay online after successful eFiling transaction.

How to ePay Tax

You can invoke to pay your tax due immediately after you have efiled your return from the ‘Filing Reference Number‘ page or on a later date but before deadline from the tax return inquiry.

RELATED ARTICLE: How To eFile a Tax Return
RELATED ARTICLE: How To Inquire an eFiled Tax Return

To pay the tax due perform the following:

  • Click on the PROCEED TO PAYMENT button from the ‘Filing Reference Number‘ page. This button is also available at the bottom of the tax return from the Tax Return Inquiry for those who filed earlier and want to pay later.

After clicking on the PROCEED TO PAYMENT button, the eFPS Payment Form is displayed. The first part of the payment form is pre-populated with selected entries from your tax return such as; the Filing Reference Number (FRN), the TIN, the RDO, the name of taxpayer, the return period and the amount payable. The second part however, should be filled-up such as; the mode of payment, the name of the bank, and the amount to be paid. The system accepts amount greater or lower than the amount payable. Discrepancy in the amount paid is subject to BIR assessment. Once you have filled-up the second part, you can now submit the accomplished payment form.

  • Login to bank’s ePayment facility. Your bank’s login credentials is required once eFPS redirected your tax payment instruction to the banks’s epayment facility. For epayment via ‘Bank Transfer’, the banks’s online payment system (ePS) validates and generates a Confirmation Number to be sent to the taxpayer and the BIR, together with the other payment details. This is usually displayed by the bank’s ePS along with your filing reference number, TIN, name, account number, and amount paid. The generated Confirmation Number refers to the control number issued by the bank to the taxpayer and the BIR to indicate that your account has been successfully debited electronically in payment of your tax liability.  This is equivalent to the bank-validation and Official Receipt issued by the bank.
  • Click on the Logout tab when you are done.

For help in navigating the epayment module, check out the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) tab and the Job Aids tab whichever is applicable.

For help in navigating the bank’s epayment system or if you have issues and concerns, please contact your bank.

RELATED vDeck:  How to ePay Tax

Now that you have paid your taxes, you might want to inquire your efiled tax return to check if your payment has been successful or not.  To learn more, read this post: How To Inquire an eFiled Tax Return.

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eFPS 101: How to ePay Tax
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