REMEMBER THESE TIN FACTS FROM THE PREVIOUS POST? Only one TIN is given to a tax registrant. Otherwise, a person possessing multiple TINs is violating an NIRC provision and will be subject to sanction , see bullet #3 at the back of your
TIN Registration for Self-Employed: Things you should know when applying for a TIN
There are not many brave souls out there that venture into entrepreneurship and make it legal. I guess you dropped by because you must be planning on putting up a business and register it to make it official. Thus I
TIN Registration for Employees: Things you should know when applying for a TIN
“you can only have an employee TIN once hired by your employer.” So, you have landed a job and you are being required to submit your TIN, isn’t it? Foremost, congratulations. If it’s your very first job, here’s twice the
TIN Registration for Students: Things you should know when applying for a TIN
TIN FACTS: Only one TIN is given to a tax registrant. Otherwise, a person possessing multiple TINs is violating an NIRC provision and will be subject to sanction , see bullet #3 at the back of your TIN card. So be mindful and
Tax Fact: Relationship of Population Growth and the Number of TIN Registrants
It’s quite unfortunate that taxes have been, more often than not, equated with death. The comparison brought such negative connotation that many people think taxes truly came from the pit of hell. However, did you know that there’s a lesser
Your TIN Explained and How Else May I Help
Hi, welcome to my blog! I know it won’t take you long to decipher how much of an IT taxation enthusiast I am. My topics will range from something as simple as getting your TIN to the complexities of comparing