If you have efiled your tax return and want to retrieve a copy or you are among those users who efiled the form early and forgot to epay your tax due then, there is way to retrieve it and epay eventually. This post discuss about how to inquire an efiled tax return or BIR Form.
RELATED ARTICLE: How to avail and Enroll in eFPS
RELATED ARTICLE: How To eFile Tax Return
How to Inquire an eFiled Tax Return
First, you need to access eFPS thru the BIR web site (www.bir.gov.ph). Under eServices, click on the eFPS icon. You will be redirected to the Login page.
Logging In and Selecting a Tax Return
1. Login to the system. A successful login will display the User Menu page.
2. From the User Menu page, select the BIR Form from the drop-down list of Registered Forms that you want to retrieve. Then, click on the ‘Tax Return Inquiry’ button.
3. From the Tax Return Search Page, select the return period and click on the ‘Get Tax Filed’ button.
4. If you have filed more than once for the period you have selected, the Tax Return Search Result page appears for the selected form together with the list of efiled tax returns.
If the search result yields only one (1) record, the details of the single tax return record is displayed immediately. The efiled tax return carries with it the Filing Reference Number, the Date/Time Filed, and the Batch Number. This information are visible on the right top portion of the displayed tax return.
Each efiled tax return or BIR Form has 3 function buttons:
- The PRINT button allows you to print the form.
- The PAYMENT DETAILS button when clicked displays the details of payment (if you made any) such as the bank acknowledgement and payment status whether successful or not. and,
- The PROCEED TO PAYMENT button allows you to epay if you have amount due still to be paid.
If you did not file any tax returns for the selected period, a message that read “No Records Found” will appear. You may try again make sure to select the correct return period of the Tax Return.
If you have amount due still to be paid, you can initiate paying your tax due online. To learn more, read this post: How to ePay Tax.
Make it a habit to click on the Logout tab when you are done.
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