Did you know that not all bank accepts tax payments? If you are new into paying taxes and want to know which among the banks in your area are accepting tax payments such as registration fee, tax dues or tax liability then, read on. The list of Authorized Agent Banks accepting tax payments is sourced from the BIR website and the 2015 BIR Tax Calendar with disclaimer, “as of September 12, 2014”.

List of Authorized Agent Banks Accepting Tax Payments
List of Authorized Agent Banks Accepting Tax Payments

Not all bank accepts tax payments. A bank has to be accredited by BIR before they can accept tax payments. Once the bank passed the accreditation process, the said bank is classified as Accredited Agent Banks (AABs) and likewise, included in the roster of Authorized Agent Banks. These AABs are the partners of BIR in collecting taxes.

RELATED ARTICLE: 2 Ways of Tax Filing and Paying Taxes Online


List of Authorized Agent Banks Accepting Tax Payments

Item no
Bank name
(over the counter)
1 Australia New Zealand Bank



2 Bank of Commerce


3 Bank of the Philippine Islands


4 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi



5 China Banking Corporation


6 Citibank NA


7 ChinaTrust Corp


8 Deutsche Bank


9 Development Bank of the Philippines


10 Eastwest Banking Corporation


11 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation


12 Land Bank of the Philippines

13 Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co


14 Philippines Bank of Communications


15 Philippine National Bank

16 Philippines Veterans Bank


17 Philtrust Co


18 Rizal Commercial Banking Corp


19 Security Bank


20 Standard Chartered Bank


21 Union Bank of the Philippines


22 United Coconut Planters Bank


*For now, the participating AABs accept tax payments from individual with ATM enrolled in their online retail banking facility.

If you are on manual filing, payment of taxes is made over-the-counter thru the bank where your TIN is registered. Out-of-district transaction may not be allowed. To check the nearest authorized agent banks, visit this link: RDO and the List of Authorized Agent Banks.

If you are mandated to use eFPS then, payment of taxes is done online. You can pay taxes to those AABs with marked “” under eFPS. To avail of the online pay thru eFPS, you must have an active and enrolled account with the AAB. Otherwise, visit your preferred AAB for the documentary requirements then, open and/or enroll your account for tax payments.

If you are mandated to use eBIRForms then, payment of taxes is done thru the online retail banking facility of the bank. You can pay taxes to those AABs with marked “” under Online eBIRForms. To avail of the online pay thru eBIRForms, you must have an active account in the online retail banking facility of the AAB. Otherwise, visit your preferred AAB and open an account.

Online pay for tax payments is only applicable if you are mandated to use the electronic means of filing tax returns.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to ePay Tax thru eFPS

(updated 2015.3.23)

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List of Authorized Agent Banks Accepting Tax Payments

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